Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Mark 1:14-28

Christ Jesus, we rejoice in You! We rejoice that You came among us and acted with astonishing authority even though You were not authorized or acknowledged by either political or religious leaders.

You called disciples to You, and they came without hesitation. You instructed your audiences in the word of God, and as they heard You, they recognized an authority in which word and action were fully congruent. You spoke release to those who were in the grips of oppressive spirits and liberated them.  

We are often too jaded to be astonished by You. But do a new work within us. Enable us to recognize that your authority is authorized and affirmed by God. Enable us to follow, without hesitation, wherever You may lead us. Most of all, enable us to recognize that in You, the reign of God has come near and now impinges upon every dimension of our lives, calling us to newness that we could not generate on our own. Amen.

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