Thursday, March 9, 2017


Day 8 – Thursday
Proverbs 11:4; Matthew 6:19-21

     Generous God, we praise You for your many wonderful gifts! We praise You for this world of abundance! We rejoice in the opportunity to serve and know You. We rejoice that You have surrounded us by sisters and brothers who journey with us and help us find strength in you.
     Help us to use the gifts You give us with wisdom. Help us not to hoard money and other resources as though they were permanent possessions, but open our hearts to share gladly with many people, so that they too may rejoice in your generous provision.
     Help us to prioritize right relationships with You and with our many neighbors over the accumulation of money and other things. Do not allow us to deceive ourselves into believing that wealth will solve all of our problems, or that it can serve as our ultimate source of security. 
     We know that all of our wealth is meaningless if our lives are not fully rooted in yours and if we do not practice the righteousness in which You instruct us. Fill our lives with meaning as we follow your guidance. Amen.

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