Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Day 18 – Tuesday
Mark 4:1-20 (parallels: Matthew 13:1-23, Luke 8:1-15)

     You who sow the seed of life broadly, enable us to respond to You with deep trust. Let our lives grow, blossom and produce fruit that points to your generous presence and provision in our lives.
     In spite of our history with You, and in spite of the myriad ways that You have provided for us and shown your faithfulness to us, we are still inclined to allow our lives to become tangled up in worry. We are easily deceived into believing that we need things that are nearly as ephemeral as the grass of the field. We cling to those things as though our life depended upon them, not You.
     Overcome the control that worry and delusion hold over our lives. Liberate us from anxiety and deceit. Forgive us for our paltry faith. Unleash your energizing Spirit within us in such ways that we produce abundant fruit for your realm and for your glory. 
     We want to be all yours and all for You. Amen.

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