Thursday, March 30, 2017


Day 26 – Thursday
Genesis 1:1-2:25

     Everything is yours, O God. Everything is yours, for you have created it all, from chaos and nothingness, for your good pleasure.
     Everything is yours; but we say, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”  We claim many things, including land that is rich in resources, as our own. We forget that we are stewards in your household, stewards of the creation that You have assigned us to cultivate and name.
     Forgive us for rapacious exploitation of our created habitat. Forgive us for befouling air and water. Forgive us for turning fertile places into arid wastelands. Forgive us for exterminating myriads of creatures that display your great creativity. Forgive us for believing that we may do whatever we want with your creation.
     Heal our memories. Give us wisdom so that we may be wise stewards of the resources You have made available for our use. Enable us to nurture life and restore beauty. 
     Let us worship You with joy for the beauty, complexity, diversity and abundance of your creation. Your works are marvelous, O God! Amen.

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