Sunday, March 27, 2016

Prayer for March 27-April 2, 2016
Sermon Text: John 20:1-18

That we may declare the good news that You are alive among us

Jesus, what a confusing time it was when Mary came to your tomb and found it empty. How her grief over your death deepened when she thought someone had stolen your body.

Then . . . you spoke her name and grief was transformed into joy and adoration. Hallelujah! Then . . . you sent her to tell the good news and she went with gladness, declaring, “I have seen the Lord.”  Hallelujah!

We have been no less confused about the events surrounding your death and resurrection. Your death seemed so unnecessary; your resurrection so impossible!

Yet, in the midst of our confusion, grief, and doubt, You have met us, have spoken our names, and have filled us with joy. Hallelujah!

Some You met as we sought You and yearned for You. Hallelujah!

Others You found who had given up hope, or who had never consciously sought You, appearing before us in nearly dreamlike ways. Hallelujah!  

Each one to whom You revealed yourself has heard your command to tell others the good news that You are alive among us. Hallelujah! Give us courage and energy to tell as many as we can: “We have seen the Lord!” Amen.

Note: This was the text I intended to use for Easter, but did not. So this prayer will be used in our Tuesday prayer time, but not during today's worship.

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