Saturday, March 12, 2016


DAY 28: SATURDAY  Thy will be done

Gracious God, we know that for your will to be done on earth as in heaven, we must submit our will to yours. We must stop resisting the work of your Spirit who shapes our lives for obedience and for good works that reflect the forgiving, healing, liberating work of justice and mercy that Jesus did among us.

Forgive us for our stubborn resistance to your commands. Forgive us for hesitating to receive the lives of fullness and freedom to which You call us. Forgive us for deluding ourselves into believing that we are fully capable of shaping our own destiny to match our own blueprint for our lives.

We would be wholly yours. We would be obedient and faithful in every circumstance. But we have failed often, and we cannot proceed without your powerful assistance and loving discipline.  

We humble ourselves before You so that You may align our lives with your life and your will. Let your will be done by us, today, and by multitudes more as well.  Amen.

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