Friday, March 4, 2016


DAY 21: FRIDAY  Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Generous Giver, we turn to You for every need. We turn away from our own imagined self-sufficiency. We turn away from cynicism and despair. We turn away from our assumptions that some must go hungry in order for others to be fed. We turn to You because we have learned that You are a faithful provider of all that we truly need.

Help us to be satisfied with what we receive of your generosity without clawing and clutching for more as though we could not count upon your continued care. Help us to stop stockpiling many things that nurture neither our body nor our spirit.

Liberate us from our anxiety. Liberate us from our vivid imagination about the suffering we might experience if we are not adequately supplied. Enable us to share generously with our neighbors in joyful friendship and genuine care.  

Generous Giver, we turn to You. You and your gifts are enough for us. Amen.

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