Friday, March 11, 2016


DAY 27: FRIDAY  Thy kingdom come

Wise Sovereign, when we pray for your reign to come to fullness among us, we know that we are praying for something that we cannot create. We have neither the wisdom nor the power to bring your reign. 

We pray that You will act among us by your empowering Spirit. And we pray that You will act behind the scenes in ways that we cannot predict or control in order to show that You are indeed Sovereign.

Help us not to abandon hope that You will, ultimately, accomplish what You have started: creating a people who reflect your glory and act as your agents in the world, bringing widespread justice and peace, and healing all of creation.  

We hope in You even as we pray that the kingdoms of the world will belong fully to You and your Anointed One, Jesus Christ. We sing our hallelujahs now, but we await the day when we will sing them with all of creation. Amen.

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