Monday, March 12, 2018


Mark 7:24-37

God of all, from the scripture it almost seems that Jesus’ ministry outside the borders of Israel was unintended. When he encounters a loving mother, desperate to see her daughter released from spiritual oppression, his words seem insulting and he seems resistant to act on her behalf until she responds with a mixture of humility and shrewdness. He is moved to action. He liberates. He affirms her words as the basis for his action and expands the scope of his ministry in a different direction than he has gone before.

Once again outside the borders of Israel, he encounters a deaf and partially mute man brought to him by compassionate friends. He listens to their pleas. He touches. He prays. He heals. He asks for secrecy.

But who can keep such healing secret? Who can halt the healed tongue? Praise pours forth. People are amazed. Jesus’ abilities are proclaimed.

God, we rejoice that Jesus has touched, healed and liberated many who were outside of Israel. We rejoice because that includes us! We have also been brought into Christ’s presence by people who loved us and acted in compassion. We know that we had no claim upon your power or your grace. We could not assume anything. But we are overjoyed to be included within the broad scope of Jesus’ ministry.    

We rejoice that we have been healed, liberated, forgiven, and empowered to follow Jesus and continue his ministry. Amen.    

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