Sunday, March 11, 2018


John 6:27-40

Jesus, Savior, we have sought You for many things. Most of the time our seeking has been motivated by our physical needs: food, water, clothing, shelter, health and healing, personal security, and the like. You take such needs seriously and have promised to meet our true needs as we follow You and serve God’s reign with gladness.

But fulfilling those needs seldom satisfies our deepest hunger: to know God and live in God’s presence. We need more! And You are that more!

You give us new life that is durable. You nourish and energize us by your presence, by word and action. When we stay close to You, follow You, and carry on the ministry that You have done among us, we discover satisfaction that we could not create or conjure for ourselves. 

You are divine gift. You are Bread that is never consumed. You are bread that gives new life and energy. You are bread that satisfies. We have sought You because You have called and drawn us to yourself and fed us the bread of your presence. Hallelujah! Amen.

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