Saturday, March 24, 2018


Mark 10:46-52

Jesus, God’s Anointed One, we rejoice in You. We rejoice that You hear the cry for mercy that is nearly drowned out by the noise of life and often silenced by those who believe that your time is too important to be taken up by those who are most vulnerable. We rejoice that You stop and that you command others, including us, to bring poor, sick, wounded, and disabled persons into your presence.

You take time to ask what is needed. You give what is required. You attribute healing to the faith of those who implore You to act as your word completes the renewing action. 

Jesus, we cry to You now. Heal our blindness! Enable us to see You for who You are in all your vulnerability and your glory. Give us humility and faith that is bold enough to shout our need for your help. May your word work effectively in us and enable us to follow You in the way that you lead. Amen.

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