Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Mark 8:1-10

God of grace, You have fed, clothed, and sheltered us. You have provided for every one of our needs. You have been faithful beyond anything that we could possibly earn or deserve.

In love and mercy, You have called us to share in Christ’s ministry to the poor and hungry. You have called us to be people of compassion. You have instructed us to feed those who are hungry and weak. And You have taken our meager resources and multiplied them so that they are adequate for the needs we see among our diverse neighbors.

In spite of our experience of your abundant provision, in spite of all that we have witnessed of your generosity, we continue to doubt that there are enough resources to provide for those in need. We continue to question how to respond and continue to be anxious in the face of widespread need.

Forgive us for our forgetfulness. Forgive us for our lack of faith. Remind us of all that You have done and give us a vision for a world in which all are adequately provided for from the abundance that You have generated and still generate today.  

Enable us to be humble, yet faithful stewards of your abundance. Amen.

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