Thursday, March 15, 2018


Mark 8:27-9:1

Sovereign God, we gather with others who have affirmed that Jesus is your Anointed One. We believe that You sent Jesus among us to make your presence and your reign evident among us. We believe that Jesus acted as your Agent of salvation and new creation.

But some days we doubt! Particularly as we observe a world in which oppression and violence still flourish, and where calamitous events disrupt and destroy the lives of so many people.

Other days we resist! Particularly when You call us to the radical self-giving that characterized Jesus’ ministry among us. We are not sure that suffering and death was the necessary path for Jesus. And we are not particularly pleased that Jesus called us to follow his way of suffering and death.

Frankly, we want an easier way. We want to hold on to our lives. But Jesus has shown us that self-preservation is not his way, and that it ultimately fails. 

Enable us to trust fully. Enable us to follow Jesus all the way to the end of the road he leads us on. Give us courage to die whatever death is necessary to give as Jesus gave and to serve as Jesus served. Help us imitate our Savior who reconciles all creation to You. Amen.

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