Sunday, March 18, 2018


John 8:46-59

Jesus, since we often resist You, it is not difficult to understand the strong resistance You encountered among many of your people. Your words were audacious, irritating, and unsettling to those whose lives seemed settled and secure, whose faith seemed firmly grounded. You seemed mentally ill or demon-possessed and blasphemous.

Since we often smooth out your words so they do not require so much of us, it is easy to miss the deep challenge that your life and teaching presented to settled politics and settled religion that had closed themselves to new creation.

For the most part, those of us whose have grown complacent in our settled lives are not looking for change. We are not hoping for disruptive and radical newness. We are looking for more of the same. We are hoping to keep our advantage in the world. 

Christ Jesus, banish whatever resistance remains in us. Enable us to open ourselves fully to your presence and instruction. Help us perceive the truth in your radical claims about your identity, then respond with loving obedience that brings glory to God. Amen.

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