Friday, March 13, 2015


Day 21: Friday
Mark 4:26-34

Jesus, as we walk with you each day, in places both familiar and new, let God’s reign grow within us, among us, and around us.  Enable us to see and participate in its fruitfulness.  Enable us to act in hopeful confidence because we know that You are able to achieve what You desire.

We perceive, now, that the mustard seed You planted has grown much larger than its small beginning.  But there is still room for it to extend its branches and many who have yet to come to its shelter.

Enable us to bear witness and work with energy and enthusiasm in order to point others to You and what You have begun.  Free us to be joyful participants in the reign of God that You initiated among us.  

As we walk with You, keep teaching us.  Keep telling us your tantalizing stories, give us understanding, and help us to follow your lead in every act of goodness.  Amen.

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