Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Day 36: Tuesday
Mark 8:27-30

Jesus, we know You only because You have revealed yourself to us.  You have called us to walk with You, and we have walked beside you for days and weeks and months and years.  We have watched as You have demonstrated your power and authority in many ways: healing the lame and blind, releasing those who were captives of oppressing spirits, declaring forgiveness, and announcing joyful news so the poor would know that God has come near in your own presence and action.

Because You have revealed yourself to us, we acclaim You as God’s Anointed One.  You are our Sovereign.  You enact God’s reign among us.  You generate hope.  You create new realities.  You transform us into fully human beings.  You promise your abiding presence.  

We walk beside You gladly.  We trust You wholly.  We praise You without ceasing.  Amen.

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