Monday, March 16, 2015


A covered walkway at the Alhambra, in Grenada, Spain.


      Most of us like a smooth, wide place to walk most of the time.  The bowered walkway in the photograph on the front is appealing because it is such a place.  It even provides some shade.  But Jesus warned, in Matthew 7:13-14:

        Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide
       and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and
       there are many who take it.  For the gate is narrow
       and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are
       few who find it.

     Following Jesus can be very difficult.  Jesus does not lead us away from the tough trails and the places of shadow and danger.  But we do not walk those paths alone.  Jesus walks with us.  Jesus leads us.  Jesus takes us by the hand.  Jesus strengthens us.  Jesus points out the pitfalls.  Jesus urges us on even when we think we cannot take another step.  Jesus lifts us when necessary.  And Jesus always has the destination in mind, even when we forget where we are going.

Day 23: Monday
Mark 5:1-20

Jesus, we rejoice that by your compassion and power You are able to overcome even the most dominating forms of spiritual oppression.  You are able to intervene when we have lost our sense of identity and lost all self-control.  You are able to heal when pain and despair makes us want to do ourselves more harm.  You liberate us and enable us to be our true selves.

Because of all You have done for us, we want to stay as close to You as we can during our walk with You.  But, at your command, we readily go to our homes or go to unfamiliar places in order to tell about You and carry out your mission.  

Wherever we are on our way with You, we remain attentive to your word and action because we have seen and experienced your liberating power for new life.  Amen.

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