Monday, March 23, 2015


Flooded trails at Montrose Beach Dunes, Chicago, Illinois, November 1, 2014.


     Occasionally the trail disappears.  Deluge, rock slide, and avalanche may hide the way forward.  But when we are on the trail, we seldom have the option of simply staying put.  At some point we have to move on. 
     When the trails on the front cover were swamped by damaging waves from a fall storm, the simplest thing would have been to give up on getting to the shoreline and seeing the birds that were there.  I could have waded through the knee high water easily enough, but I threaded my way around and eventually reached a few of the higher spots.
     When we are journeying with Jesus, he typically shows us a way around the obstacles that confront us.  “He leads us in right paths” as Psalm 23 tells us (paraphrased).  We can trust Jesus to get us where Jesus leads and sends us. 

Day 29: Monday
Mark 6:45-56
Jesus, we are not quick learners.  We often fail to understand your capacity to generate abundance.  We often fail to perceive how You are sovereign in the circumstances of our lives. 

We tend to become fearful in many situations, especially those that we find difficult to comprehend.  When we are fearful, and confused, we often fail to see your presence and your action among us and become more afraid.

We fear that we will lose our grip on the things that provide our security.  We fear that You are just an expression of overblown imaginations that has no bearing on our real lives.  We fear that You will lead us into greater dangers than the ones You have already overcome.  We fear that You will make demands that are beyond our ability and that we find unappealing. 

We fear that, in the end, our faith will fall flat and we will prove to be unworthy of the time You have spent with us, your careful instruction, and your many gifts.  

Do not give up on us!  Keep leading.  Keep teaching.  Keep showing us your ability to provide and to heal.  Open our eyes.  Calm our fears.  Soften our hearts that we may walk with You in confidence.  Amen.

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